Lethals and Tactical weapons are very good for offense, and defense game play. If you like to camp you use one of these weapons so you don't get killed from behind. If you like to rush you use a battle axe for example so you can kill someone while reloading.
There are a variety of lethals and tacticals, the trophy system protects you from other lethals and tacticals so you are safe and don't get killed from someone throwing a grenade. A tactical insertsion lets you respawn where you place it. Lethals are mostly explosive weapons, there is only one that doesn't explode. That's the battle axe the battle axe lets you just chuck it at someone. There are claymores, grenades and all the other normal explosives.
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013
The perks in Black Ops 2 are really good, you have a good variety of perks for perk slot 1, perk slot 2 , and perk slot 3.
Perk Slot 1
Lightweight lets you take no fall damage and you can move faster than normal. This is for very aggressive players that like to run around the map and not get caught long enough to get killed.
Hardline lets you get all of you scorestreaks faster, or it takes less score than it normally does. Alot of people that like their bigger scorestreaks may use this as an extra boost online.
Blind Eye
Blind Eye lets you stay out of sight from player contolled scorestreaks, this is good to run from other people streaks.
Flat Jacket
Flat Jacket protects you from explosives, it takes more damage from and explosive to kill you, this perk is a very offense related perk.
With Ghost you cant be seen when controlling kilstreaks or by AI scorestreaks when your are moving. Alot of people use this to run around the map without being seen by other people.
With Ghost you cant be seen when controlling kilstreaks or by AI scorestreaks when your are moving. Alot of people use this to run around the map without being seen by other people.
Perk Slot 2
Toughness is a perk that has reduced flinch when shot at, this is used by players that like to have intense gun fights and still win.
Coldbooded is a perk that lets you stay immune to player controlled scorestreaks and target finders, this is for people that like to hide.
Fasthands lets you switch weapons faster and throw tactical and lethals faster, this perk is used by snipers that need to quickly pull out a pistol or a battle axe.
You are immune to counter-uav and EMPs, this is a good perk so you can go solo and just get kills.
You can get ammo from enemies that were not killed by explosive weapons, this is good if you just want to use the same gun for a long time.
You are immune to counter-uav and EMPs, this is a good perk so you can go solo and just get kills.
You can get ammo from enemies that were not killed by explosive weapons, this is good if you just want to use the same gun for a long time.
Perk Slot 3
Dexterity lets you mantle over objects faster and pull of you gun faster after sprinting, this is good for rushers on Call of Duty.
Extreme Conditioning
This lets you run for longer distances and this perk is also use for people that like to run around the map.
This lets you find enemy explosives, reroll booby traped explosives, and delay explosives.
Tactical Mask
This perk makes shock charges, flash bangs, and stun grenades have a reduced effect, this is used for rushing also.
Dead Silence
You can walk quietly and not be heard by other enimes when you are walking, this can be used for people that like to play dead.
This lets you hear other footsteps louder so you dont get killed from behind easily, people us this if they dont have equipment.
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Monday, May 6, 2013
Charaters are pretty good i think that they made way better graphics on call of duty2. The charaters have differnt roles for differnt times of the game of the story mode.when you start the game off you are in a dersert and your in the army. you get 1 pistol and 1 assult rifle you will aways be changing charaters throw the story mode.if yuo like the first charaters on the call of duty1 you will like2.

Guns on call of duty are pretty sweet they have a verity of guns for you. you have the ray gn and hammer and much more when you plat zombies you will always want a more powerful gun because they come at you very quick but you can always doge them unless they trap you. you have a varitey of diffrent guns you have pistol-auto semi auto and automatic.

Prestiges in Call of Duty mean that you have reached the maximum level. The maximum level in Black Ops 2 is 55, one you reach that level it gives you the option to prestige. When you prestige it shows that you have been to level 55 and now you want to do it again to show off how good you are.
When you prestige you loose all your guns, but you have a token that lets you get a gun, perk, tactical, or a wild card forever. You keep all of you camos, emblems, attachments, and your titles. In previous Call of Dutys you lost everything but your emblems and titles. Also prestigies in games alows you to get special titles that will match you prestige emblem. In black ops 2 you prestige 10 times then once you can get to prestige master!
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When you prestige you loose all your guns, but you have a token that lets you get a gun, perk, tactical, or a wild card forever. You keep all of you camos, emblems, attachments, and your titles. In previous Call of Dutys you lost everything but your emblems and titles. Also prestigies in games alows you to get special titles that will match you prestige emblem. In black ops 2 you prestige 10 times then once you can get to prestige master!
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