Thursday, May 2, 2013


zombies is the best thing you will ever play it will keep you on your feet it does not ever end which i think is crazy but they do come quicker and there stronger then they were when the first round takes off.on zomibes you will start off with 1 pistol but when you get 5,000 dollars on the the game there are a verity of different maps.If you get tired of the pistols tou can always go to the mystery box and get a new gun it might not alwaays be the gun you want but you hope and pray it is because if not you just wasted 950 dollars in your money.there are differnt type of drink you have on the borads so you can survie longer one helps you take m ore puches from the zombies.another one helps you get your guns back just in case you die.But thank you for reading my post i hope you enjoyed it.

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