Friday, May 3, 2013

Story Mode

   The Black Ops 2 Multiplayer takes place in the future, to be exact 2025 and a few missions take place in the past. You mostly play as Masons son, Section, you fight throgh citys that have been over runned by enemy soldiers.
The story mode has really changed since Modern Warfare( an older Call of Duty ) they have added new weapons and a crazy new story line.

   A crazy new weapon is a form of bronze knuckles combined with a tazer, they are called the "Galvaknuckles". You can find this weapon in the 7th mission, Suffer With Me, you just walk up to them then the game will tell you to press a buton to get it. The galvaknuckles switches out you knife and it is alot faster than the knife but it may take 2 hits to kill someone.

   The game is very futuristic and robots are every place you look, you can create your OWN class in story mode. You can complete challenges and unlock new guns. This one addition is amazing and in my opinion this improves the game.
   Thank you for reading my post!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


zombies is the best thing you will ever play it will keep you on your feet it does not ever end which i think is crazy but they do come quicker and there stronger then they were when the first round takes off.on zomibes you will start off with 1 pistol but when you get 5,000 dollars on the the game there are a verity of different maps.If you get tired of the pistols tou can always go to the mystery box and get a new gun it might not alwaays be the gun you want but you hope and pray it is because if not you just wasted 950 dollars in your money.there are differnt type of drink you have on the borads so you can survie longer one helps you take m ore puches from the zombies.another one helps you get your guns back just in case you die.But thank you for reading my post i hope you enjoyed it.
call of duty is the best game ever it has a verity of maps and guns the maps are pretty cool if you ask me but thats just my of duty is one of the best games they have came out with they have a verity of games you can play like zombies/solo/online and more if you do not have the game you should get but warning it does not have the best languge and it is rated R.zombies are alsome i think the 2 call of duty is better beacuse of everything i mean these guns are the b est of corse my fav orite is the hammer it it very powerful.on a scale of 1-100 for call of duty rating i give it 100 beacuse i like the way they made the game it way better then the last one but agian thats just my opion thank you for reading my post.



Multiplayer: And How To Make It Better

   Black ops 2 multiplayer is great, some people say it saved Call of Duty. Others say it made Call of Duty worse, but thats for you to decide. There are many things about the the details of multiplayer, but that will be coverd on later posts. I will be talking about the multiplayer experience.

 The overall experince is okay, the reason I say this is because of the internet connection, an other agrument could be made is the language used, but this is what you are going to find on lots of rated M games. The connection on this game is not great because it lags, or the game gets really slow and seems like it freezes up.  This makes Black Ops 2 really boring, or get annoying. 

 Ways to improve your lag is simply to get a better internet connection, and this is where your lag will come from. If it happens durring some games then dont worry, that is the host of the games problem. If you never get host and you always lag the that is your ping. That is what connects you to the hosts internet connection.

 Now, ways to improve the ping is to get a better internet connection, also close all unwanted programs. For example "Google" close that window and do that for unwanted windows. Turn of all the unneeded devices that is connected to your internet. These would include iPods, iPads, and computers.
   Thanks for reading my post!                                                                                                 
